Membership Benefits

Why join SIM Indianapolis? Check out our member benefits.

Networking and Collaboration

  • At our local SIM Indianapolis meetings and events
  • At regional CIO forums and our national SIM Connect Live (with discounted rates)
  • Through collaboration in our national working groups, including SIM Women, DigiRisk and Enterprise Architecture

Career Development

SIM's Members-In-Transition Program offers you resources from major search firms, tips for managing your career and more. Through weekly conference calls and e-mail groups, gain insights for your own job search and help others find the right opportunities.

Leadership Skills

SIM's Regional Leadership Forum (RLF), an intensive 9-month experience, focuses on helping CIOs develop their high-potential IT leaders/managers into authentic leaders.


SIM Connect, our national weekly newsletter, gathers today's most-relevant issues from leading industry publications to keep you informed about topics that affect the daily operation of your business. Members also can access the newsletter archives. (Want to advertise in SIM Connect? Learn more.)

Much More

Check out all SIM programs.

Join our SIM Indianapolis Chapter today.

Indianapolis Membership Application

SIM's membership year is January 1-December 31.